Thursday, September 15, 2011

Secular Student Week!

The week of September 19th through the 22nd, SANE will be hosting the largest secular event ever seen on the ETSU campus!  On Monday the 19th and Wednesday the 21st, we will bring back our popular "Ask an Atheist" table which was well-received and led to a lot of interesting discussion when it was previously held.  On Tuesday the 20th, we will host an event called "Stone the Heathen" in which we will put ourselves at the mercy of our fellow students (armed with water balloons) to raise a bit of money.  To top off this action-packed week of secular awesomeness, we will be host to one of the atheist community's most outspoken voices: JT Eberhard!  JT is the campus organizer for the Secular Student Alliance (SSA) and one of the co-founders of the popular skeptic convention Skepticon.  The topic is " Morality Without Religion: An Introduction to Atheism."  We are proud to have JT with us and extremely excited that we are getting the chance to expose other students to a secular worldview and hopefully dispel some of those nasty myths about us eating babies!  The event will be held in Rogers-Stout room 118 at 7pm.  For more information, check out our facebook (links to events are below).  It will truly be a week beyond belief! -Day 1
confirmation pending -Day2 -Day 3 -Day 4

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